Torrential rain and flooding … but no drinking water!

The first week in October 2016 saw Hurricane Matthew sweep through the Caribbean, hitting the island of Haiti with wind-speeds of over 150 mph. With the number of casualties quickly reaching 1000, aid workers and rescue agencies struggled to get shelter, food and water to tens of thousands of people left homeless, thirsty and hungry....

Five Key Facts about Water Filtration

We tend to take water for granted, especially in western society, and the benefits of water filtration are frequently overlooked. LUXONIX Purity VST Crack Turn on a tap and there it is; flowing effortlessly for drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning. It’s there for our leisure time too; for fun and exercise in swimming pools, and...
For thousands of years water treatment wasn’t a priority. Human communities simply settled and made their homes near to water. It made sense. It was a necessary commodity and the means to carry far were unattainable. The water was heavy and sloshed around, making containers unstable as it was moved from place to place. Setting...